So, what do I have to do to be ready for templating? Simple...
Book Template
1 - Be there!
It is essential you are present when the template takes place. We may need clarification of the details - for example, upstand height, drainer grooves side.

2 - Cabinets and base units should be installed
Your cabinets, base units and panels should be installed and fixed in place and level before templating. This ensures that the measurements and shapes of the worktop will be accurate. If you would like splashbacks, cooker hoods, wall units, extractors and electrical socket back boxes must also be fitted. Any unsupported areas will require batons fixed to the wall.

3 - All appliances should be on site
The easy rule is: anything going in or under the worktop needs to be on site for us to measure it! This ensures that the cut-outs for these appliances (eg sink, hob, pop up socket etc) will be the correct size and shape. Appliances under the worktop need to be fitted but not plugged in.

4 - Walls and floors should be finished but not painted!
If you're having a worktop that requires fitting against a wall, the wall should be finished. Ideally, the flooring should also be complete as the worktop's height may need to be adjusted to account for it. Any decoration/tiling should happen after the tops go on.

5 - Take your tops off!
Ensure that there is clear access to the site, and any obstacles that could obstruct the installation of the worktops have been removed.

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